A few weeks back, it occurred to me that it might be helpful and insightful to continue some of the Life challenges conversations that I had last year, inviting new reflections and insights after a year has passed. The perspective of time -- though meaningless at the level of Self/Being -- is very real at the human level. Circumstances change, to the better or worse, emotional wounds heal or not, we recover from illness, or it may worsen. We don't ever know how life at this human level will unfold, and we are transformed by how it does. All of Life's challenges are an opportunity to meet anew and freshly Life as it Is, instead of playing out some conditioned thoughts, emotions, or responses. This is the background for the upcoming series of conversations, entitled Life challenges Part 2. Four of the teachers who had been sharing so movingly from their lives and experience with their particular challenge last year were open to sharing more, reflecting on what has happened and what insights and/or maturing this has brought, including how this may have changed their spiritual understanding and teaching.
Life challenges Part 2: Program
These are the four themes that we are revisiting, with a new 'life challenge' added in: that of dealing with our own shadows as and when they arise.
- Sunday 17 February 2019: Unmani, Loss and grief;
- Sunday 24 February 2019: Joan Tollifson, Cancer as an awakening journey;
- Sunday 10 March 2019: Craig Holliday, Opening to the shadow;
- Sunday 24 March 2019: Marlies Myoku Cocheret, Staying awake in the midst of chronic dis-ease;
- Sunday 31 March 2019: Ananta Kranti, Caring for a parent with dementia.
The first two conversations have happened already and the videos are up on the event pages (Unmani and Joan). The last three will all be happening in March.
I hope you can join us. If you can't, you can find the videos on the event pages within 24 - 48 hours after the live conversation.
With love and gratitude,