Love Live will take place on Valentine's weekend, on Sunday 15 February 2015, starting at 10 am PDT, 1 pm EDT, 6 pm GMT (UK), 7 pm MET (Europe). It will go on for 2 - 3 hours, depending on the movement of the moment (for times in other time zones CLICK HERE).
We will have surprise guests: I have written to all the teachers who have been on retreats or in conversations so far, to invite them to join in in some way. They will contribute as they feel moved, either live or by writing in.
Most of all, though, the vision that came to me for this event was as a gathering of all of us, a (virtual) community or sangha event in which all of us participate as we are moved by Love. So you, too, can surprise us with what you contribute: maybe a poem, or an experience, or a question, or a reflection. The hangout will be open to all of you, all of us, including the teachers who join in. I may guide you in a meditation ... we'll see how the spirit of Love moves me! The idea is really to let Love lead and reveal itself as it will.
I very much look forward to sharing this new adventure with you!
In Love and joy,