Short talks
These short talks are recorded during the monthly online sangha gatherings or spiritual support group meetings. They arise spontaneously during our meditation or in response to what people share.
Watch the videos by clicking on the youtube thumbnail, or go to the Youtube playlist for the talks by clicking HERE. Info about the online sangha gatherings: Click HERE, info about the spiritual support groups Click HERE. |
Healing and awakening, individual and collective (15 mins)
The great undoing -- an important part of the spiritual journey and opening (8 mins)
Open and vulnerable (15 mins)
Receiving criticism (11 mins)
Stop the Search, stopping -- what does this mean? (15 mins)
About the sacred space in which human and divine meet and are one (9 mins) -- see also the blog post
About turning against something, whether directed against the outside or what arises inside (14 mins)
True calm (15 mins) -- see also the blog post
On our ability to tell and find Truth (15 mins)
The essence of the spiritual journey: from conditioning to Truth (20 mins)
Spirituality and psychotherapy (5 mins)
The beauty of our lives being transformed (12 mins)
Support (11 mins)
Two kinds of grounding (9 mins)
Receiving the shadow with love (extracts from a response to a question, 4 mins)
The habit of separation and the need to connect
(10 mins) |
Not knowing as an invitation (8 mins)