Comments by people who participated in Living from Love online events:
Special Events: Facing Death (October 2015):
This afternoon’s online program was one of the most valuable I’ve seen. Everything about it was rich and worthwhile, with each individual’s contribution pointing out the enormous opportunity that death of the body can be; even by video Joan’s radiance allowed a deep experience of her words.
Thank you for presenting this event. I’ll look forward to others in the future.
Bruce, Taos, New Mexico
Thank you for presenting this event. I’ll look forward to others in the future.
Bruce, Taos, New Mexico
Thank you for listening to the unfolding composition that resulted in the exquisite dance about death that we were privileged to imbibe today. From Jane and Nishkala planting seeds and your fertilizing them with Joan and Susanne, and then a few new blooms popping up in Anatta, Shar and Alex, your gardening was exquisite. Such a lovely orchestration I have not heard, and I have worked with hospice since 1980.
I have forwarded the link to the "Facing Death" event page to friends. I think they will relish the dialogues and perspectives as much as I do. I am hopeful - and have suggested - that after they watch them, they will want to join me for a conversation about what was shared.
Deep gratitude for opening this much needed conversation, and may there be many more to come.
Mary, California, USA
I have forwarded the link to the "Facing Death" event page to friends. I think they will relish the dialogues and perspectives as much as I do. I am hopeful - and have suggested - that after they watch them, they will want to join me for a conversation about what was shared.
Deep gratitude for opening this much needed conversation, and may there be many more to come.
Mary, California, USA
Love Live (15 February 2015):
Thank you dear Grace… it was lovely, like being together in a virtual living room. Thanks for your gracious inviting me to share... one never knows what will come... that is also an aspect of awakening... a more spontaneous expression happens, which is such fun... and when shared in the loving openness of a forum such as this, it's all the easier to be ourselves...
Nishkala Jenney, USA |
Thank you so very, very much for tonight (Swiss time) ;-) It was so wonderful. What a gift! I loved your big red heart in the background. Thank you thank you thank you. Big love,
Thank you very much Grace for the sweet and loving meeting you organized. I enyoyed it very much. Thank you.
María Luisa Sisa, Barcelona, Spain
María Luisa Sisa, Barcelona, Spain
Awakening as Love retreat (1/2 November 2014):
I so much enjoyed the retreat. It was beautiful and heart-opening to hear, not only from the wonderful line up of teachers, but from those who spoke from their depths on the hangout. You are offering a wonderful way for those of us who have no Sangha close by to enjoy a loving connection and presence with others across this magical globe.
Susanna Bearfoot, Birmingham, UK
Susanna Bearfoot, Birmingham, UK
Dear Grace, thank you so much that you are!!! First I noticed about your activity through Mooji's website when he was participating in your retreat... I was amazed at the example which you showed, an example of how technology could be used for love... Thank you, thank you, my bows...
Love and ease from Lithuania ♥
Love and ease from Lithuania ♥
I want to thank you so much for the retreat! It was such a heart opener. And I appreciated a lot to meet with all these female teachers. I used to learn from male teachers and I lately thought that I would like to meet with a female teacher. Now there were so many including you. So wonderful. Words now can hardly describe what was/is going on through this sharing. It is awakening as love. Deeply touching. Thank you dear Grace, you are wonderful. And also my gratitude towards the people who showed themselves with their questions during the sessions. Send you my love,
Marina, Switzerland
Marina, Switzerland
I very much appreciate this gift you brought to many of us. I am still feeling more light and inner connection regardless of difficult circumstances. And by the way, I find ALL awake speakers a wonderful addition to the event or any event. It is very helpful to 'hear and see' the fullness of THIS coming through many different expressions so I hope future events will continue in this way. Thank you very much for doing this! YOUR input is also very helpful in this event!!!
In Love&Light,
Avonna, USA
In Love&Light,
Avonna, USA
Dear Grace - thank you, thank you, thank you from the depth of my heart for arranging this amazing retreat for us! I am soooooo grateful and enjoying every minute. Mooji was/is such a joy and I learned so much from him responding to questions. As you said, he answered for all of us. The retreat was just great from beginning to end. Joyful and lovely. God bless you, my dear! Om Shanti!
Kathy in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Kathy in Abu Dhabi, UAE
What was very strong and I guess not only for me, was the relentless sweet inquiring dialogue between Canela and Sebastian. It opened the Heart and tears flowed freely. What great two beings to show us so openly and intimately, what real inquiry is, what real sincerity is and that it leads directly to the Heart that we all are. We all know these tears! The tears of coming to the Heart. And we all know the laughter! The laughter that is freedom coming from the Heart. Thank You Sebastian and Canela and Grace! I love You all very much.
Constantin Mueller
Constantin Mueller
Thanks so much Grace for the recent online conference with Gangaji and others. I loved so much her reference to the baby at the mother's breast and the guru being the same, being very full and wanting to give that fullness (emptiness). It touched me deeply. The entire thing is wonderful and when I can I would like to send you a donation. Susanne Marie was also wonderful, and Miranda MacPherson, and I am looking forward to hearing others too. Canela Michelle Meyers, too... Thanks again! (And again!) Love,
Rebecca Stewart
Rebecca Stewart
Thank you so much for the on line retreat over the weekend. Listening to your gentle explanations and especially Gangaji has helped me with a struggle I have encountered over the last 6 years or so. For the past 6 years I have felt a constant force or energy in my body that seemed to be trying to open pockets of what feels like contracted energy. This has been very painful at times and I have had many medical investigations and sought many spiritual teachers and avenues over the years. Still this persisted and I felt something was still missing. With your explanations and presence, even though I have heard it countless times before from other teachers, I realised that all the efforts I have made to understand, control, manipulate, surrender were keeping this in place. I am feeling a deeper surrender and a melting into this. It feels like the heart but it is far more than I could put a name to.
Thank you Grace. I just wanted to let you know that I feel great gratitude to you personally for facilitating this weekend and all the teachers and participants. I will go to the website and donate to help to enable this work to continue.
Many thanks,
Glynis Cooper, York, England
Thank you Grace. I just wanted to let you know that I feel great gratitude to you personally for facilitating this weekend and all the teachers and participants. I will go to the website and donate to help to enable this work to continue.
Many thanks,
Glynis Cooper, York, England
I discovered your online retreat a few weeks ago, and have been catching up with the recordings. Thank you so much for creating and hosting the event. I love your work and how you're spreading the understanding and Truth that at our essence, we are an intelligence and wisdom that is Love.
With deep gratitude,
Fiona Moore, Oregon, USA,
With deep gratitude,
Fiona Moore, Oregon, USA,
Thank you so much for all your work and for making possible this beautiful retreat, which is filled with so much love and joy and that connects us in the Heart all over the globe! Thanks for inviting beloved Moojiji, too!
Love from Germany,
Love from Germany,
Thank you Grace for uniting our hearts into the presence of all these holy beings and the holy company from all over the world. So grateful... God bless all those hearts yearning for Freedom. ♥
Living from Love retreat (15/16 February 2014):
Thank you for being such a spacious and present host, Grace! I am very much appreciating this heart-centered event. It has been a peace-filled day of deepening appreciation for the embodying and opening into this free-flowing love without conditions. Thank you all so much for sharing your being!
Very beautiful heart-centered meditation!
Bruce Finlay, Canada
Very beautiful heart-centered meditation!
Bruce Finlay, Canada
Thank you, Grace, for another beautiful retreat. You transmit such silence and tenderness!
Love and Blessings. ♥
Connie Bailey, Fairfield, Iowa, USA
Love and Blessings. ♥
Connie Bailey, Fairfield, Iowa, USA
It was divine! Thank you for mentioning donations. I am happy to donate to this very wonderful experience.
Jana Rofsky
Jana Rofsky
Thank you for your wonderful retreat on Love. It was certainly timely for me, as after 30 years of "spiritual seeking", I lately have realized that the only thing missing is that I still have not been willing to live from the endless well of unconditional love at my center. The retreat helped with my readiness to love myself deeply and unconditionally.
Dear Grace, thank you so much for your work, for your wonderful expression of source and love. One hour ago you said... we have to undercut the arrogance, you are so right, arrogance keeps us totally away from love. With great respect and love to you and so many thanks for this retreat.
Klaus Konzett, Austria
Klaus Konzett, Austria
I joined your online meditation last night on YouTube. Thank you for your beautiful presence and loving voice. I felt that I was being wrapped in blankets with just your calming voice for company - thank you so much.
David Edge, UK
David Edge, UK
Hi Grace, thanks so much for making this offering available to everyone! It is so wonderful to hear these beautiful perspectives, including your own! Thank you for your service and your work! It is a blessing in my life, for sure.
Rosemary Cochran, Pismo Beach, California, USA
Rosemary Cochran, Pismo Beach, California, USA
Thank you, Grace, for making this possible and for your time and work organising. ... I was especially entranced by the idea that love is always around us which I learned as a teen in Nevada City, Ca. many years ago. It is great to hear it again now. It has been natural for me to feel that when I narrow my awareness onto an object or a person that I was focusing or concentrating my love to that thing as if I could create more love by the act of focusing my attention. But now, after listening to you and your speakers last night I am seeing where it can be a constriction and when I 'let it be', the love, life, awareness, flow that is always there IS always there; fully.
eddacker, Derbyshire, UK
eddacker, Derbyshire, UK
Hi, Grace. I just recently learned about your retreat through an email from Nirmala, and what a beautiful surprise it was to me. I'm so grateful to Love for leading you to create this opportunity to participate. You brought together some very bright lights, who now feel like new friends to me. Thank you!
Stephen, Arizona, USA
Stephen, Arizona, USA
Hi Grace, Thank you so much for putting the effort into running the retreat, your integrity and love. Look forward to the next one.
Darren & Luchi, UK
Darren & Luchi, UK
Conversations and online satsang:
Yesterday was extremely beautiful!!! (conversation with Canela Michelle Meyers) It confirms what I am discovering to be the most healing and transformative, I often cry because of the tenderness and love that blossoms through it. Being Presence, and present with what is... becoming more and more open, and especially finding ways to hold the sorrow, the anger and giving it a Home. I am also grateful for Tara's courage and openness. Again I cried. Thankful for her vulnerability… and for being allowed to be her. It was soft, intimate... And thank you, Grace, for the initiative to bring these wonderful people to the footlight. It is much appreciated!
Ann from Holland
Ann from Holland
Grace, I am so grateful for your online satsangs. Today was so valuable. Thank you, and I look forward to more. Blessings and love.
My name is Julia, from Cape Town, South Africa. I just wanted to thank you for hosting the satsang with Neelam on Sunday. It was a beautiful meeting for me, and I wanted to express my thanks to you for hosting it (I imagine the technological side takes some doing), and for your graceful equanimity. I have written to Neelam too.
May life bless you,
Love Julia
May life bless you,
Love Julia
The conversation with Jeannie was divinely delicious. Unfortunately, I had to depart after the first hour. I am hungry to relisten to it, and to whatever transpired after. Thank you for all the warmth-of-heart that you exude.
Mary, California, USA
Mary, California, USA
Thank you, Grace, for following your inner knowing to provide this platform with a lovely perfume of feminine.
♥ Harriet Hilker
♥ Harriet Hilker
Thank you so much, Grace. So thankful to you for bringing forth these wonderful authentic interviews.
Really enjoyed your talk with Pernilla.
Ditte Petersen, Denmark
Really enjoyed your talk with Pernilla.
Ditte Petersen, Denmark
The conversation with Scott was great. Thank you for doing this for everyone’s benefit!