Awakening in the Heart Retreat, December 2015
Sessions of the retreat
Grace Bubeck
Opening session: Awakening in the Heart How does the heart awaken? Can we trust its call for love and surrender? Its pull into devotion and service? Its movement of ever greater opening to what IS? Is this a way of awakening, or is it an 'after effect' of knowing our true nature? These are some of the questions that were addressed in this session. To watch this video on YouTube or to leave a comment
Jon Bernie
Awakening: The Heart-Centered Way There is no spiritual work to be done, only human work. When we can bring acceptance, patience, compassion, forgiveness and love to ‘what is’, the heart naturally opens and the spirit naturally radiates. To watch this video on YouTube or to leave a comment
Living as Life Itself There are two aspects to Awakening: The waking out of the dream of who you think you are, and realising that in fact you are Life itself. Then, including the human experience and waking up in that also. Living without knowing how to live, is the endless and continuous waking up in this human experience. To watch this video on YouTube or to leave a comment
Will Pye
Heart -- Center of Intelligence We typically consider the head the center of intelligence and are encouraged to 'think things through'. Yet neurocardiology confirms what perennial teachings and our direct experience indicate, that to 'get to the heart of the matter', we need to feel. Similarly whilst awakening may begin in the head, it will ultimately work its way through the heart that we may know ourselves as Love Itself. To watch this video on YouTube or to leave a comment
Grace Bubeck
Closing session To watch this video on YouTube or to leave a comment
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on Awakening in the Heart.
on Awakening in the Heart.
Jon Bernie, author of Ordinary Freedom, is a contemporary spiritual teacher who offers a compassionate, heart-centered approach to spiritual awakening. A former Zen monk with decades of training in the Buddhist and Advaita traditions, Jon was formally asked to teach by Adyashanti in 2002. Jon is also an experienced healer and teacher of somatic embodiment, and guides people intuitively on a deep energetic level to foster emotional healing and alignment with their true nature. Jon offers retreats and satsang in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond, as well as private sessions in person or by phone or Skype. Free videos and podcasts of his teachings are available at his website:
Unmani is originally from the UK, but has lived a nomadic life in many countries around the world from the age of 18. Since she was a child, Unmani never identified with the role she seemed to be playing as a person living a life. However, she felt very lost and alone in a world that everyone else seemed to take so seriously. Unmani's main inspiration has come from Osho and Dolano. After years of searching to find a way out of pain, she met the German Zen master, Dolano in India. With her, Unmani recognized that what she had been searching for had always been right here. She woke up to the dream, time stopped and the search ended. Unmani began holding meetings and retreats around the world 3 years later She is the author of two books ‘I am Life itself’ and ‘Die to Love’ and is now writing a third book.
Will Pye inspires realization of the joyful peace present in each moment and love at core of experience. Connecting people with purpose he empowers thriving lives of service. Communicating with groups globally as social entrepreneur, teacher, coach, speaker and author his work is summed up by 'integrating'; integrating psychological wholeness and spiritual awakening , science and spirituality, reason and intuition, personal growth and wellbeing with collective evolution and social justice. Insights from 15yrs study, practice and exploration into consciousness and transformation are shared with humour and love as Will facilitates tension, problem and despair into peace, opportunity and joy.
Grace Bubeck: A psychologist (MSc), philosopher (PhD), and certified massage therapist by professional training and work history, I left a first career in academia at the London School of Economics to become a body-mind therapist and a personal development and meditation teacher. My healing journey branched out into an intense spiritual search until I found my teacher Gangaji. She took the wind out of the sails of searching and the drama of ‘me and my life’. Awakening is deepening as I’m finding a way of living it in this life. I offer in person therapy and workshops as well as online groups and retreats.