New online offerings in 2015
You'll find the details of all the events coming up in 2015 on the home page. There are three different types of events over the next few months:
- Live online conversations with nondual spiritual teachers, starting with a conversation with Canela Michelle Meyers on Sunday, January 18th, and continuing with Will Pye, Jeannie Zandi, and probably others as well.
- 6-week online group programs that I offer myself on two themes: Healing and Awakening, and Awakening as Love. The groups are a wonderful opportunity to explore how to live everyday life in a way that expresses and deepens the awakening that is happening.
- A new kind of live event, Love Live. The vision that came to me about it was to provide an online space for all of us to gather to explore Love. Like a satsang, which is a gathering (sang) to explore Truth (sat), this would be a 'Lovesang' and Love song that we're all singing together... More about this as the vision becomes more concrete. If you have any inspired ideas, please share them with me, this feels like it's a real community/sangha event!
Do you have any suggestions or comments?
I'm always open to what you send my way! In fact, I found out about Will Pye because one of you suggested I talk to him. And the Love Live event was also inspired partly by a message that Andrius from Lithuania sent me, thanking me for giving 'an example for how technology could be used for love'. Somehow, this touched my heart deeply ... maybe because it felt like it summed up what it is I feel called to do with these online events? You'll find his message on the comments page.
I look forward to continuing this online adventure with you!
With love and gratitude,
Image credit: satit_srihin at freedigitalphotos.net.