Life challenges: Ananta Kranti, Caring for a parent with dementia, Parts 1 and 2
Part 2: Caring for a parent with dementia revisited |
Part 1 to be found below.
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Since Ananta has been combining her teaching work with caring for her father, her lifestyle has changed radically from a very free life to one circumscribed by her caring commitments. Here is a recent ode to freedom from Ananta's facebook page that made it into our conversation, and below, you will find the video from our first conversation, as well as her bio.
When you have the opportunity to live in a way of having so much space just to Be... and not knowing what should happen next, the moment just unfolding to itself endlessly as a movement of Being, do not take that for granted.
This is such a tremendously precious gift that is a grounding in effortless Being... that allows the space to find the Home in Being nobody in particular opening to itSelf as pure knowing.
I bow to having lived so many years in this way... so much gratitude is Here for that and only because of that, the restriction that life presents Now can be met as secondary experience.
Thankyou Life, whenever you are ready to allow this Freedom of Being in the daily life schedules once again...
I shall be ready!
OM Shanti.
Caring for a parent with dementia, Part 1
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Ananta suddenly found herself in the role of Carer for her Father, when she found out that he had dementia and was not able to look after himself after his partner had died.
From Ananta's facebook page:
From Ananta's facebook page:
It is not an easy thing to watch a loved one, your/my Papa losing his mind... to see and feel his suffering, pain and heartache... he's very unwell.
It cracks the Heart
Being Here with him in such tender moments ♥
About Ananta
Ananta brings a direct and ‘down to earth’ approach that points to, and reveals the deep inner knowing of who we Are as Freedom itSelf. In 1996 a profound shift in consciousness took place when she was in solitary confinement in a prison in Japan. While the intense pain and struggle on the physical level continued, True Being revealed itself as this inherent beauty, Eternal Light, that we all already Are. Ananta is known for her directness, with depth of presence as well as an integrated view of Self-realization through all facets of authentic living in the sometimes challenging ordinariness of daily life. She plays the role of teacher, spiritual guide and friend, as she meets all in the heart of Truth as her own Self, just as it is.