- Can I watch sessions I will have to miss afterwards?
- How can I access the live broadcast?
- .... and, and, and ...
I'm happy to answer questions, and I'm really happy that people are so interested and engaged. Really, it makes my heart sing and makes it all worthwhile!
This is essentially a one-woman-show, and I do appreciate having time to relax as well. Like just now, I've come back from a tai chi class that I decided I wasn't going to skip because I was too busy. But I did just cancel the meditation evening that I was going to lead tomorrow, just because it's not realistic. I don't really have the time.
So, please, do me a favor and check the FAQs page before you send off this e-mail to me!
And now I'm off to bed...
Images by Salvatore Vuono (?) and jesadaphorn (busy guy), freedigitalphotos.net.