Here are the four conversations coming up, all taking place on Sundays at 11 am PDT, 2 pm EDT, 7 pm UK, 8 pm MEST:
- 24 August: Michael Damian: Meeting the Mind, Freeing the Mind
- 7 September: Pernilla Lillarose: Self Love
- 14 September: Brian Piergrossi: True Intimacy
- 28 September: Jeannie Zandi: Living as Love.
Conversation with Scott Kiloby:
This conversation has been announced for some time now, but I haven't scheduled it yet because Scott is working every weekend in his new center, and this is not going to change any time soon. He is off on Wednesdays and Thursdays. So I decided to just ask all of you: Would you be able to participate live on a Wednesday or Thursday, and would this be of interest to you? If so, I'd be very happy to hear from you; thank you so much for taking the time to let me know (CLICK HERE to send me a message)!
November retreat:
I will send more information as and when more details are settled, but for now you can note the time: 1 - 2 November 2014, and the theme: The place of the heart in non-dual teachings. If you have friends who may be interested, please tell them about it and suggest they sign up for the newsletter to find out more as and when the information comes out.
I look forward to sharing the conversations and retreat with you!
With love and gratitude,