Some of the surprise guests from among all the nondual spiritual teachers who have been on retreats or in conversations so far are no longer a real surprise:
Unmani, Susanne Marie, Canela Michelle Meyers, and Michael Damian, have already confirmed their presence by signing up for the facebook event. There are others who indicated to me that they'll be with us. I won't name them, just so there is still an element of surprise! One of them will tell a story, another one perform one of her poems, and Jeannie McGillivray will share an idea with us she has of a global love event that can bring healing to this world.
How can you participate?
There's no need to register. The links for watching and commenting on YouTube and for joining the Google hangout live are on the home page of this website. The links will go 'live' a few minutes before the event starts, so all you need to do is go to the home page and click on the links once they are active. It's that simple!
I look forward to sharing this event with you!
In love and service
PS: Do you like the 'Using technology for love' pic? I created it myself on www.canva.com, a very neat site where you can design your own images. I don't get any commission for this, I just felt like sharing a neat resource with other creative spirits!