The first two Awakening as Love groups came together in spring this year. I was deeply moved by the beauty and mystery of the space of loving inquiry that we all entered into for 6 weeks, and by the insights, shifts and realizations it generated in those who participated. Since many expressed an interest in continuing, there was a third, follow-up group in the early summer. Here is what one of the group participants from the UK wrote about her experience:
Dear Grace, we just finished our group and I just want to say THANK YOU. I find that something about this spacious loving space you create really allows that to be here in me and I really experience this in the online group with you, it is a beautiful gift you bring to us. I feel blessed to have this from my own home, in my family life without having to move out into a satsang space or to be on retreat [...] Bless you for being here and for helping me/us to realise this space right here 'within' and embodying it 'without' so it is realized to always be here, no matter what story is running or feelings thoughts sensations are occurring... It feels very loving, holding and deeply caring having your presence at this time of transition, rewiring and re-anchoring... Love love love, Chris (UK)
You will find more information about it by clicking >> HERE. And just to be clear: I do charge for these programs, as I cannot offer everything I do online for free. But if you would like to participate and you cannot pay the full fee, I am always open to you paying what you can.
Therapists and healers, please note: In case this group speaks to you and there is enough interest, I am open to doing a group specifically for therapists and healers (more info on the webpage for the group program).

Both group programs take place in the always mysterious and very fertile meeting ground between the very personal, moment-to-moment living of Life, however this manifests, and the totally impersonal knowing and being of Love. It is in this meeting ground that healing takes place, and that we can come to know ourselves more and more deeply as the Love that we are. I will meet you there!
And coming up soon: More online conversations
I'm currently arranging live conversations with Ananta Kranti and John Prendergast. As further details are to be settled about them, I'm not 'officially' announcing them yet, but you will hear about them soon. Details will be added to the home page of this website as they are available.
I look forward to a new season of sharing these online adventures with you!
With Love,
PS: As a little 'taster', here is an extract from one of the Awakening as Love sessions: